There’s a Place…

Bennett’s Point, South Carolina is a place that most people 50 miles away couldn’t tell you a thing about or where the Hell it is. My kind of place. Stuck between Charleston and Hilton Head, the rich and famous have forgotten about it. My kind of place. History used it for rice plantations and slave trade. Today its a tiny shrimp port that services Charleston restaurants. You’d expect Lieutenant Dan to come rolling down the walkway looking for Forrest Gump. In fact the area was used for some shots in the film.

Tucked between the water and the main highway 18 miles inland is some of the most gorgeous wetlands in the east. The ACE basin, its called. Marsh and Gators stranded between three river drainages. The Ashepoo, The Combahee and the Edisto. The rest is crisscrossed with sandy doubletrack roads that beg to be ridden by bike, so that’s what we do.

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